Saturday 13 April 2013

Making the move

Countdown to paint is on!  5 months until the shop closes for business so I need to get the MG out to Bragg Creek for final metal prep and paint.  It's stripped down now and I have rented a trailer so I can haul it to Bragg Creek.  A few last minute items to remove before it head's out.

There it is, all loaded.  It was a bit tricky loading it in the pitch black.  Especially when the doors wanted to swing open.  Once I had the doors tied down I tried again, and was successful.  The little beast sure wants to spin the tires. I am sure I woke a few neighbors trying to get it loaded up.  Of to Bragg Creek in the morning!

The shop manager was there to help me unload the MG.  It would be spending the summer here, and as long as we put the time in it should be done by the drop dead date of September 1.  Notice the 51 Chev 1300 in the other bay. Another project that was being hauled in to Calgary for some repair.

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