Or if you prefer the North American pronunciation, Trunk and Hood. We stripped these parts at the Bragg Creek shop using a stripping wheel on an angle grinder. The wheel took the paint of really well but we were careful not to stay in one place too long as it can heat and warp the metal.
Close up view of the heat treated and repaired fold in the trunk lid. As part of the rebuild I have purchased the gas strut kits for both the hood and trunk. These along with the removal of the luggage rack should prevent this sort of thing from happening.
Here is the sanding wheel we used, purchased from the local auto body store. You can tell its peeling that Brooklands Green paint off quite well.
The hood was stripped, the insulation will be replaced and all the bits will be cleaned, sandblasted and repainted. Overall the hood and trunk were in good shape and had very little rust on them. As part of the prepping process the metal will be washed in acid and any remaining rust will be treated before primer sealer.