In May I headed off to Switzerland to work for a Mechanical Engineering firm on my last practicum. The experience was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I had the chance to work with an exceptional Mechanical Engineering firm in Switzerland. Not only did I learn a lot, I got the chance to travel Europe. Thats me in the picture being taught how to make an authentic Swiss fondue.
My Mom had some relatives in Wales so I made sure to go and see them on my way home. My Mom's cousin was a great help in tracking down a few really good examples of a restored MGB.

We spotted this blue one in Wales and had the chance to talk to the owner about some of the differences in the North American car and the British one. That night, my Mom's cousin and I were talking over a few pints about the car and he suggested we get an official British "T" reg license plate for the car. A plate with a T as the final letter are reserved for cars built in 1978, the same year as my MGB. My cousin assured me that we would be able to pick one up at the wreckers the next day.
We set out in the morning to find a T-reg license plate for my MGB. After hitting a few of the wreckers we managed to find one. My cousin had brought all the tools required to remove it from the car and we headed home with the plate. My MGB back home was going to get an official British T-reg plate.